Monday, December 26, 2011

mum's ereader

the Sunstech ereader can be used with epub files, including purchased ones.

for that use kobo. a kobo account setup using usual names.
the download links work when Adobe Digital Editions (an adobe ereader) is installed on the PC (setup on Megs HP laptop on my logon; also installed on Mum's laptop now). Adobe account settings the usual using markshop AT
plugging in Mum's sunstech makes ADE identify the device as an ereader and epub files copied across can then be authorised to accept the DRM of the kobo epub files.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

unison ssh issues

for some reason (when having trouble with home PC and when setting up a new one) unison in gui mode just sits there at 'contacting server'.

Run unison in text mode and the command line will ask you if you want to add the RSA key fingerprint (funny, I thought that had happened through the gui previously?)

boot@terver:~/.unison# unison -ui text crossing_groups_sync.prf
Contacting terver...
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is xxxx
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.'s password:

Saturday, November 05, 2011

tweaks when setting up new 11.10 system

install mdadm then run sudo mdadm --assemble --scan to recreate the raid

if skype won't run from the launcher try command 'skype' at cli

install guvcview to adjust webcam pictures, save load them into skype

nb. synaptic is not part of 11.10

no screen saver by default in 11.10:
sudo apt-get install xscreensaver xscreensaver-gl-extra xscreensaver-data-extra

Thursday, October 13, 2011

printer setup for linux

Crossing Kyocera TaskAlpha 400ci:

gksu gedit /etc/cups/ppd/Kyocera-Mita-TASKalfa-400ci-KPDL.ppd

this goes in:

*% Management Code Definitions
*OpenUI *KmManagment/Job Accounting: PickOne
*OrderDependency: 60 AnySetup *KmManagment
*DefaultKmManagment: MG1753
*KmManagment Default/Off: ""
*KmManagment MG1234/1234: "(1234) statusdict /setmanagementnumber get exec"
*KmManagment MG1234/1234: "(1234) statusdict /setmanagementnumber get exec"
*KmManagment MG1234/1234: "(1234) statusdict /setmanagementnumber get exec"
*KmManagment MG1234/1234: "(1234) statusdict /setmanagementnumber get exec"

the specific ppd for this printer must be placed at /etc/cups/ppd/

for accessing the machine job accounting, edit the ppd as suggested here:



Recently I came across a problem that was bothering me a lot in Ubuntu 4.10, the new printing company printer, a multifunction Kyocera KM-2820. The first problem was the drivers that did not exist in my Desktop, solved by doing a search on the installation CD that came with the MFP. The second problem annoyed me for some time, how to send the account ID, since the printer is set to print only with a valid account ID? The solution was simple, but I believe in the new driver should fix that, here's the steps:

First, before installing the printer driver CD, copy the driver to your Desktop and open it in your favorite text editor, look for the lines below and change the number for your account ID, I know it is On Windows the account ID is required when printing, but as I could not enable this option with the driver supplied by the manufacturer, I had to set it directly in the PPD file, this can be a problem on a machine that is used by several people but it was not my case.

# Vim-Kyocera_KM 2820.PPD

% * Management Code Definitions
* OpenUI * KmManagment / Control of work: PickOne
OrderDependency *: 60 * AnySetup KmManagment
* DefaultKmManagment: Default
* Default KmManagment / Off: ""
* KmManagment MG00000000/00000000 "(00000000) statusdict / setmanagementnumber get exec"

In line KmManagment MG00000000/00000000 "(00000000) statusdict / setmanagementnumber get exec" 00000000 change the values ​​for the number of your account ID, eg.: KmManagment MG123456/123456 "(123456) statusdict / setmanagementnumber get exec", save the file and install the printer using the PPD file.

Update: Open the Print Manager in Ubuntu, right-click the printer and choose Properties, then "Printer Options", go to the "job control" and choose your ID.

Ready! When printing is sent as the ID number on your account!

OBS.: This link was an Italian forum created a script to request the account ID of the user, but I did not test!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Uni Student Finance 101

advice on repaying from moneysupermarket:

Who offers these loans?

How and when you repay your student loan:

"repayments are collected automatically through the tax system"

Repaying early:

Interest etc:

"Interest rate from September 2010 to August 2011

The interest rate on income contingent loans will be 1.5 per cent from 1 September 2010 across the UK.

Between 1 September 2010 and 31 August 2011, the interest rate may change because it is linked to the rates charged by high street banks. The rate will be the lower of the Retail Price Index (RPI) in March 2010, or 1 per cent above the highest base rate of a nominated group of banks. As March’s RPI was 4.4 per cent, the maximum rate of interest you may be charged between 1 September 2010 and 31 August 2011 is 4.4 per cent.

This rate applies to all income contingent loan customers including students currently studying at university or college."

Saturday, August 13, 2011

ghostscript to compress or reduce a pdf file

ghostscript allows you to do amazing things with pdf's etc from the command line. this:

gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dPDFSETTINGS=/ebook -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dBATCH -sOutputFile=output.pdf input.pdf

compresses a large pdf into a manageble size for (eg) email. Replace your file names output.pdf and input.pdf files with your file names.

example: a 17 page scan at 300dpi colour = 135mb - after running it through gs with the settings at 'SCREEN' gives a low quality (just about good enough for screen reading) pdf of 800kb. 'EBOOK' setting gives a nice quality 3.5mb version (recommended).

Other quality settings:

-dPDFSETTINGS=/screen (screen-view-only quality, 72 dpi images)
-dPDFSETTINGS=/ebook (low quality, 150 dpi images)
-dPDFSETTINGS=/printer (high quality, 300 dpi images)
-dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress (high quality, color preserving, 300 dpi imgs)
-dPDFSETTINGS=/default (almost identical to /screen)

These tips from: and Thanks.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

adding more than just the primary calendar account of a google apps user to iphone/ipad

Private google calendars, which have been shared with select other users:
In IOS, these are added: Settings --> Mail, Contacts, Calendars --> Add Account --> Other --> Add CalDav Account

username=  your own gmail username (ie your email address)
password= go figure
description= Calendar Description of your choosing

If this is your own primary google-cal,  (default) cal for an account, you're done. (These are referred to by that users email address)

If it's an additional (non-primary) calendar account, of your own or another persons primary/additional:

go to 'advanced settings' section of the calendar account.

Nb. Stupidy in newer ios you can't edit 'advanced settings' til you've created the new calendar, so the only thing I could see to do was save it with your own primary calendar email address, then re-edit and insert the calendar ID of the 3rd primary/secondary calendar ID in the url field:

The google ID is to be found in the googlecal 'calendar details' section of main google apps website. [ your Google Calendar ID ] /user

This used to look fine in older ios but in newer (ipad?) it creates another level of calendar account which shows in the list. Confusingly when you go to advanced settings now it doesn't show the ID url as older ios used to - BUT they do work!

Public 'view only' cals ('subscribed' calendars)
Settings --> Mail, Contacts, Calendars --> Add Account --> Other -->Add subscribed calendar
(you'll need to cut and paste in the url: they end in .ics)

BTW you don't need to do any of this in Android!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

WorshipTracker MySQL

login to remote host:
#:~$ mysql -h hostIP -u username -p databasename

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

samba troubleshooting

suddenly all users except markp could not access users within the 'shares' (shared) folder.

Tools to test:

see log on the server at /var/log/samba/log.smbd

see if the access problem exists on the server, as well as the windows client;

smbclient //localhost/share_to_test -U annet

problem in my instance (Feb 2011) was that the group name of the /home/shares folder had changed from 'john' to 'users'
Probably caused by Unison sync foulup at my end (user 1000 at home overwrote user 100 at TC).

Saturday, February 12, 2011

using NFSv4 exports for linux

about the permissions: Have setup using the ubuntu guide for NFSv4, as per here:
I note that the settings in /etc/exports mean that the owner and group of the server folders can only be accessed by a user on the client machine of the same name...

Monday, January 24, 2011

mp3 and flac

Jan 2011. Here's what i'm doing with my music:

flacs go in flac folder; mp3s in their own folder.

1. Rip to flac with rythymbox, google for album art and place in flac folder, per album.
2. Update flac tags with the piccy using easytag
3. use Soundconvertor to convert to MP3, tags incl piccy seem to transfer OK.

nb. best to simply plnk the MP3s in the original flac folder, then duplicate and then copy the MP3s with their parent folders to the master MP3 folder.

things that didn't work:
1. trying (different ways) to create AAC from the flac, tag track number problem.
2. using the create folders option in Soundconvertor to plank the MP3s directly, duplicated the album name.
3. change messy names, creates underscore under every space.

Use MP3 folder in itunes, use flac folder for mythtv.