Friday, August 07, 2015

To do a mailmerge: Updated instructions from Older posting

(Instructions of Aug 2015 using LibreOffice 4.4)

1. Use any spreadsheet as data source. Register it (ie make it available in the 'Mail Merge Wizard' of Writer (under Tools -->))
Use Writers 'Address Data Source' (File --> Wizards). Don't use spaces in spreadsheet name. Make first line in spreadsheet the titles of the columns.

2. Prep a document. Insert mailmerge fields using: Insert--> Fields --> More fields --> Database --> Mail Merge Fields --> spreadhseet/sheet1 should be listed.

3. To suppress blank fields (per line), view 'printing characters' and change the carriage returns at end of lines for P (paragraphs), if not already. Then, with the cursor at the end of the relevant line: Insert--> fields--> more fields-->functions-->hidden paragraph]. In the 'condition' field in the dialogue: reference the spreadsheet column involved: use a '!' (this means 'NOT') eg ![addresses1.Sheet1.Addressline2]

4. After this the Mail Merge Wizard brings you to step 8. Save the merged document as a single file. Upon 'saving' the merged document (behind the dialogue) seems to disappear. The saved merged file will be there, but there's also another version 'untitled1.odt' etc lurking behind other things. I think this might be a glitch, but doesn't really matter - just confusing.

5. my other blog post has a link to how to suppress a field placed within a line with other fields (eg no 'salutation' being listed in the spreadsheet).

As far as I know, OOo has no way to insert a database field only if it isn't empty. Instead, I think the trick is to insert the [middlename] field always, and then insert a conditional space if the field is not empty. If the field is empty, then you don't need the space.

You can try something like this:

1) View > Data Sources; select your table or query so that the data grid is filled in and active.
2) Insert > Fields > Other > Functions, Type: Conditional text
3) Drag the [middlename] column head from the data grid into the fields dialog, and drop it in the Condition entry. It should end up looking something like: [database.table.middlename].
4) Add text after the field to complete the condition: [database.table.middlename] neq ""
5) Enter a space in the "Then" entry. Leave the "Else" entry empty.
6) Click "Insert" and then "Close"

I think the above uses the same approach as for blank lines but replaces the blank paragraph with blank text. The slightly different approach used in the 'condition' field ie using neq "" instead of ! may be achieve the same end result, but have tested on this occasion - that'll be Christmas letter time!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Model A Spark Plugs

Good discussion of the issues re: sparkplugs here

I initially had the autolite 386's which IS a resistor spark plug (not good for magneto according to some).

Recently, at the recommend of the guy who got the tractor going summer 2014 I put in Champion D16

Friday, February 20, 2015

dd wrt on cisoc e1000 both version 2 and 2.1

as of 15/2/2014 dd wrt db recommends build version 21061, a special version needed for first flash: search: e1000

Will check the vlan setup both before and after as phuzi0n makes the following (possibly important) point about the vlans on this device:

vlan trunking/tagging confirmed working on  Linksys (cisco) e1000 routers (both v2 and v2.1) using dd-wrt.v24-21061_NEWD-2_K2.6_mini_e1000v2 (latest recommend from the database).

I've been faffing around with these routers for months now, trying to get them working as Wifi APs that have multiple WLANs and then trunking the subnets using tagging to my vlan capable switch over a single port/cable. I am using pfsense as a DHCP server for all subnets. I am trying to give wifi coverage in a large community building and want to provide both in-house and guest wifi facilities. I went for these routers as I read in the forum they should work and I've only paid between £6 and £15 each for all three, in nearly new condition.

It's probably because I'm a bit of a novice but despite the huge number of how-to's on this forum, it seemed quite a challenge, this post attempts to explain to other novices what foxed me for so long, because I'VE GOT IT WORKING! It's partly to do with the vagaries of this particular hardware.

Most of these things I've learned very slowly are actually clearly stated by phuzi0n in one place or another
1. Don't assume the gui works for the vlans as I did. As of Feb 2014 the gui will not set the vlans using the above version. I think I assumed that as most of the posts I was reading were four years old that this might have been sorted. Bad assumption. Don't fear the command line approach using telnet, it wasn't too hard.

2. Don't get confused about which (internal) vlans are used on this device. Most 100mbps router/switches normally default to 0 and 1 for the lan and wan. Gigabit router/switches normally use 1 and 2. I was seriously confused with the fact that on initiation vlans 0, 1 and 2 show on this device. These int. vlans use 1&2 as per gigabit, BUT they are only gigabit within the Chip, external ports run at 100mbps. Don't know why vlan 0 shows up but it well confused me. Eko and LOM explain the way this chip is deployed in this instance here: . Ignore references to vlan0.

3. I was confused about how to set the DHCP serving for the two WLANS, which I wanted to come from my pfsense router. In the end I simply set a static IP for each of the two bridges that I created for the WLANS and found that the DHCP server was used by the clients. The confusing bit was what to do with the DHCP settings on the main gui setup page. I just left it as DHCP server and it didn't cause a problem. From the vlan settings below you'll see I had three subnets, I kept vlan1 as a management subnet bridged to the lan (as default). vlans 12 and 13 were for the two WLANS. I didn't have a problem using the WAN port for the trunking port, as some suggest can happen.

Default settings after flashing:

root@DD-WRT:~# nvram show | grep vlan.*ports | sort
size: 24854 bytes (7914 left)
vlan0ports=1 2 3 4 5*
vlan1ports=1 2 3 4 5*
vlan2ports=0 5

nvram show | grep port.*vlans 

root@DD-WRT:~# nvram show | grep port.*vlans | sort
size: 24854 bytes (7914 left)
port5vlans=0 1 16

root@DD-WRT:~# nvram show | grep vlan.*hwname

I took examples from the switchports wiki page and amended them:

This one will:
1. make the wan port a trunked port for vlans 1,12,13 (all tagged vlans)
2. make ports 1 and 2 untagged ports for vlan1
3. make ports 3 and 4 untagged ports for vlan12
nvram set vlan1ports="0t 1 2 5*"
nvram set vlan12ports="0t 3 4 5"
nvram set vlan13ports="0t 5"
nvram set port0vlans="1 12 13 16 18 19"
nvram set port1vlans="1 18 19"
nvram set port2vlans="1 18 19"
nvram set port3vlans="12 18 19"
nvram set port4vlans="12 18 19"
nvram set port5vlans="1 12 13 16"
nvram set vlan1hwname=et0
nvram set vlan12hwname=et0
nvram set vlan13hwname=et0
nvram commit

Looks OK:
root@DD-WRT:~# nvram show | grep vlan.*ports | sort
size: 19228 bytes (13540 left)
vlan0ports=1 2 3 4 5*
vlan12ports=0t 3 4 5
vlan13ports=0t 5
vlan1ports=0t 1 2 5*
vlan2ports=0 5
root@DD-WRT:~# nvram show | grep port.*vlans | sort
size: 19228 bytes (13540 left)
port0vlans=1 12 13 16 18 19
port1vlans=1 18 19
port2vlans=1 18 19
port3vlans=12 18 19
port4vlans=12 18 19
port5vlans=1 12 13 16

This one will:
1. make the wan a trunked port for vlans 1,12,13 (all tagged vlans)
2. make ports 1, 2, 3 and 4 untagged ports for vlan1

nvram set vlan1ports="0t 1 2 3 4 5*"
nvram set vlan12ports="0t 5"
nvram set vlan13ports="0t 5"
nvram set port0vlans="1 12 13 16 18 19"
nvram set port1vlans="1 18 19"
nvram set port2vlans="1 18 19"
nvram set port3vlans="1 18 19"
nvram set port4vlans="1 18 19"
nvram set port5vlans="1 12 13 16"
nvram set vlan1hwname=et0
nvram set vlan12hwname=et0
nvram set vlan13hwname=et0

nvram commit

To setup further E1000's using duplicate settings as above (obviously changing IP addresses as necessary) I tried using the GUIs backup facility; for whatever reason it failed to insert all the ports in the correct vlans, although it did do some of them?
This one will:
1. make the wan port and port1 trunked ports for vlans 1,12,13 (all tagged vlans)
2. make port 2 an untagged port for vlan1
3. make ports 3 and 4 untagged ports for vlan12
nvram set vlan1ports="0t 1t 2 5*"
nvram set vlan12ports="0t 1t 3 4 5"
nvram set vlan13ports="0t 1t 5"
nvram set port0vlans="1 12 13 16 18 19"
nvram set port1vlans="1 12 13 16 18 19"
nvram set port2vlans="1 18 19"
nvram set port3vlans="12 18 19"
nvram set port4vlans="12 18 19"
nvram set port5vlans="1 12 13 16"
nvram set vlan1hwname=et0
nvram set vlan12hwname=et0
nvram set vlan13hwname=et0
nvram commit
UPDATE: Feb 2015. I have used four of these as described in the setup above and they have proved faultless in production! I never even have to reboot them. I'm now trying to deploy e2000's (with the gigabit switches - also cheap on ebay) in the same way - have already bricked my first one!