Sunday, January 13, 2013

DVB-T2 in mytht tv using TBS6280

The TBS 6280 is a dual tuner DVB-T2 card, it has HD freeview ability.

To make it work:

Download the latest version of the driver from the TBS site

wget mkdir tbs-linux-drivers_v130506 cd tbs-linux-drivers_v130506 unzip ../

1 extract linux-tbs-drivers.tar.bz2 archive:

# tar xjvf linux-tbs-drivers.tar.bz2

2 go to driver package directory:

# cd linux-tbs-drivers

3 depending on your kernel version and if the kernel is x86 or
x86_64 (check output of 'uname -a') do:

- for x86 kernel 3.x (x86 32 bit installations of kernel 3.x):

# ./v4l/

- for x86 kernel 2.6.x (x86 32 bit installations of kernel 2.6.x):

# ./v4l/

- for any x86_64 kernel (x86 64 bit installations of Linux):

# ./v4l/

4 build and install the driver:

# make && make install

5 reboot in order to load the newly installed driver:

# shutdown -r now

6 after reboot check that the newly installed driver is loaded correctly:

# dmesg | grep frontend

OR - follow the instructions from the v4l website:

Don't forget the driver will need building again if the kernel gets updated.

I'm going to prevent kernel updates automatically on this machine so that I don't find the TBS card isn't working one day: set that up using this guide:

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