Saturday, August 12, 2006

Flickr photos

Figured out how to post lots of photos online.

Click the picture for full gallery....

If any of you aren't keen on having your faces online and viewable to the world let me know...

mellow was not harshed

Here you are folks

If you want the full res. version it's here: or if you prefer the version which doesn't cover Grace's face this one:

What a great week!

Saturday, April 08, 2006

gadget news

OK so my blogging is never going to get me the Booker, but I've thought of another way to use it. I can tell my buddies about the latest geeky gadgets and software that proves useful...

Here's my first offering:

Problem - you've so much stuff on your PC now it takes ages to find anything, especially if you have to resort to the search in Windows or Outlook (for an email/attachment).
Solution - Copernic Desktop search tool. A free download tool that indexes everything on your PC (and your network come to that) and makes searches feel like you're back in 1992 using a 386 with 'massive' 20mb hard drive!

I'm already finding it v useful.