Wednesday, October 15, 2008

egroupware 1.6 prc1

used xampp, added all passowrds.

load up files to: /opt/xampp/htdocs

egw makes it's own egroupware subfolder note

3 pear packages missing:

Warning Checking PEAR::HTTP_WebDAV_Server is installed: False
PEAR::HTTP_WebDAV_Server is needed by: WebDAV. You can install it by running: pear install HTTP_WebDAV_Server
Passed Checking PEAR::Auth_SASL is installed: 1.0.2
Warning Checking PEAR::Net_IMAP is installed: False
PEAR::Net_IMAP is needed by: FeLaMiMail, felamimail. You can install it by running: pear install Net_IMAP
Passed Checking PEAR::Net_Sieve is installed: 1.1.1
Warning Checking PEAR::XML_Feed_Parser is installed: False
PEAR::XML_Feed_Parser is needed by: news_admin. You can install it by running: pear install XML_Feed_Parser

xampps php.ini is in /opt/xampp/etc/php.ini

change 'display_errors' from On to Off:
display_errors = Off
for security reasons 9couls show passwords etc.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Imagemagick to rezise batch pictures

Load up imagemagick:

sudo apt-get install imagemagick

Graces large (3.0mb-ish) files go to 800x600 and around 100kb with this command:

convert -resize '800x600' -quality 50 *.JPG websize.jpg

The convert program requires a destination image file name whereas mogriy does not

mogrify replaces instead of duplicates the files